私は幼少期を大阪の工場街で過ごしました。自然、土や木々、虫たちなどとは無縁の場所で、 私は生き物たちに憧れの気持ちをつのらせて暮らしていました。 身体の弱かった私の日々は、生き物の図鑑や怪獣のおもちゃとともに室内で過ごすことが多く、またそれらを絵に描いていました。
私にとって動物園や博物館は遊園地の乗り物よりも魅力的でした。私は美術高校、そして美術大学に 進学し、卒業後はスケッチブックを片手に欧州の国々を旅しました。画家として活動を始めて、 四半世紀近くなりますが、生き物たちへの憧れは今も続いています。そして旅の終わりに気づいた 日本という国の美しさ、風習や伝統的な文化を多くの方に知って頂きたく、現在は京都のアトリエにて 動物にまつわる吉祥をテーマに作品を描き続けています。
I grew up at a factory town in Osaka, the place where has no relation with nature, soil,
trees or insects. Therefore, I always had aspiration for creatures. As I was born weak,
I spent much time indoors, gazing at illustrated books of animals or playing with monster toys.
Not only playing,I also loved to draw them. In my childhood, zoos and museums were much more
interesting than rides at playlands. I studied at Art high school and Art University. After graduation,
I traveled many countries in Europe with a sketchbook under my arm.
It has been nearly a quarter of century since I started my carrier as an artist.
Yet I still have aspiration for creatures, just the same as I had been at my childhood.
After traveling various countries, I recognized certain esthetics in the country Japan.
I then wished to introduce Japanese traditional culture and custom. Currently,
I paint my works at my studio in Kyoto, in the theme of Japanese ancient auspicious stories concerning animals .
Jun Sato


Artist JUN SATO Phoenix
鳥獣画家 佐藤潤
Natural Artist JUN SATO
Artist JUN SATO is popular for his original paintings on the theme of biodiversity, portraying endangered species and extinct animals.
He wishes to promote nature conservation and animal protections through his
works. As a part of his activities, he contributes his paintings to the public institutions such as zoo, and
donates a portion of proceeds to the WWF.
He also takes care of using sustainable painting materials,
including Japanese handmade bamboo paper crafted with special skill. Artist JUN SATO conveys his belief
to the world from Kyoto, a traditional and environment-friendly city.
Blog Info

1970年大阪市生まれ。京都精華大学美術学部卒業。1995年に初個展。 2000年より全国の百貨店の美術画廊にて個展を開催。2009年、アメリカの大手パズルメーカーやその他の企業に より作品が商品化され全米にて販売される。作品は「人と自然のより良い関係」をテーマに描いており、 自然環境保護への取り組みとして画紙には再生力の高い竹100%の手漉き和紙「竹紙」を使用。 近年は動物と吉祥をテーマにしたシリーズや蛤の貝殻に描く「貝合わせ」などを制作し国内外から注目されている。
I grew up at a factory town in Osaka, the place where has no relation with nature, soil, trees or insects. Therefore, I always had aspiration for creatures. As I was born weak, I spent much time indoors, gazing at illustrated books of animals or playing with monster toys. Not only playing,I also loved to draw them. In my childhood, zoos and museums were much more